THE Divulapitiya Isuru Diriya Centre (IDC) of LOLC Micro Credit Ltd (LOMC) organized a special seminar for the students who sat for the recently concluded Grade 5 scholarship exam, from Divulapitiya and the surrounding areas. This program was conducted in order to give back to the community they closely work with.
More than 100 students from the surrounding areas were seen enthusiastically attending this scholarship examination preparatory seminar which was conducted by the renowned educator Mr. Wasantha de Silva, from Dharmashoka Vidyalaya in Ambalangoda. Mr. De Silva has over 12 years of experience as an examiner for Grade 5 scholarship exams and is also a leading provider of private tuition for scholarship students. In response to the need of the community, LOMC’s Divulapitiya IDC officials organized this half day educational seminar as its CSR initiative.
The Divulapitiya Isuru Diriya Centre primarily provides Micro loan facilities for the surrounding communities, and has been in operation for more than a year. Through community based societies, all Isuru Diriya transactions in the area are carried out to serve a strong network of over 4,000 loyal LOMC customers. Hence, during the short span of time in operation, the Centre has developed a close-knit relationship with the people of these communities. In appreciation of this close affiliation, Divulapitiya IDC officials came forward to help the community and were able to identify the lack of proper exam preparatory guidance available to assist these young scholarship hopefuls to sit the much anticipated exam. Children of non-LOMC customers also attended the seminar which was a special feature.
Mr Ravi Tissera, Director/Chief Executive Officer -LOMC, commenting on this initiative said, “For the LOMC family at Divulapitiya this was more than a CSR project. We gave something back to the community that has been so loyal to us over the past year in operation. We have built a tremendous rapport with the people of the community and so in their hour of need we wanted to do something very useful. For the children of these communities passing the Grade 5 scholarship exam is a major objective. We saw that they needed assistance to develop their examination preparatory skills. Hence, we organized this special education seminar especially for them, with Mr. Wasantha de Silva’s guidance. We hope to continue this as a long term initiative for the children of Divulapitiya.